Torchlighters Shining Bright in Nigeria!
There’s nothing we like better at Torchlighters than hearing from the next generation of Torchlighters! Here is a letter from a 15-year-old fan in Nigeria who wants to carry a torch of faith to impact the world! Read on: Thank you for the impact you’ve made on my life as a result of your Torchlighters […]
Torchlighters Shine On: What Mary Slessor Left in Nigeria
Mary Slessor stood out like a sore thumb during the 38 years she lived in Nigeria. With blue eyes, red hair and a Scottish accent, her presence was shocking to her fellow missionaries and the people she served in Akpap Okoyong, Nigeria. More than just her appearance, however, was the shock of Mary’s heart for […]
Torchlighters Shine On: William And Catherine Booth And The Salvation Army
How can we raise a “cheerful giver” in an era of automatic withdrawals and online giving? One annual opportunity to model cheerful giving to children, even as we check items off our Christmas to-do lists, presents itself each December: the ringing bell and bright red kettles of the Salvation Army. Having been raised by a […]
Torchlighters Shine on: Martin Luther and the Reformation
October 31st, in addition to being Halloween, is known as Reformation Day. In 1517 a German monk named Martin Luther was appalled by the Catholic Church’s sale of pieces of paper signed by the pope that claimed to provide indulgences, that is, forgiveness of the penalties of sins, to free souls from Purgatory. On October […]