Adoniram and Ann Judson
The first foreign missionaries from the United States
Persecuted in Burma
Follow the extraordinary adventures of Adoniram Judson and his wife Ann as they work to reach souls in Burma, a land where professing Christ would mean certain death. When treacherous religious leaders falsely accuse Adoniram of spying, Burma’s ruthless king throws him into prison, leaving Ann and her unborn child to struggle alone. Will Adoniram escape death and reunite with his wife and child? Will their Bible translation, the only one of its kind, be lost forever? Find out in this episode of The Torchlighters. Read more about the Judson’s, the first American missionaries.


Torchlighter Reviews
What People are Saying
“Inspiring Video”
The Judsons suffered immeasurably from disease, arrest, and brutality, but were able to fulfill their mission [to Burma]. This inspiring animated documentary portrait of an early Christian missionary couple is recommended.
T. Keogh
“Adults Would Benefit”
We thank God for the creative staff that put this series together. We recommend it for Sunday school, VBS, or week night programs. Even adults would benefit and lively discussions would follow classes using the series!
This is my favorite children’s series, bar none. I think that my wife and I enjoyed the DVD’s as much as the children.
Scott Kemp