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The Torchlighters

Heroes of the Faith®

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Faith Heroes for Kids

Follow the adventures of the Torchlighters Heroes of the Faith and see how God works through those who dedicate their lives to serving him.

A minister from England, William Carey leaves everything behind to share the good news in India. In a place so hostile to Christ and his messengers, will someone finally believe?
After becoming a Christian and buying his freedom from slavery, the founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church faithfully served God in the face of discrimination.
Once a slave trader, John Newton became a respected pastor after a dramatic conversion and went on to write beloved hymns and sermons that would change the world.
The Scottish missionary travels deep into the Nigerian jungle with medicine, education and the Gospel. Can Mary Slessor bring lasting peace to those who’ve turned to violence?
Far from home and at the mercy of the pirates who kidnapped him, young Patrick is tending sheep and fighting off wild animals — until he calls out to the God of his youth.
George Müller lives on radical prayer, depending on God to supply all his needs without asking for a cent from anyone—not even the congregation he pastors!
Young Harriet prayed ceaselessly that she and her family would be set free from the oppression of slavery. Little did she know, God would use her in mighty ways to free them.
Luther didn’t mean to spark the Reformation with his 95 Theses, but his realization that salvation comes through faith and not works ignited the revolution that changed the world.
After years of living in darkness, John Wesley embraced saving grace through face. But, his message was not welcome in churches. Will he risk his life to bring the word to the needy?
As the evil of World War II swept through the Ten Boom’s city, an innocent Jewish baby came under their care. How will they hide this baby and others from the Nazi invaders?
Young prince Kaboo escaped from the enemy in a marvelous way — a blinding light appeared, urging him to run safety in the jungle where he stumbles onto a mission.
William Booth and his followers faced great opposition when bringing the gospel to London’s East End. Will they win the battle against the local pub owners and thugs?
Will Amy Carmichael’s faithful determination be enough to free children from the powerful customs and superstitions that keep them hostage?
Perpetua, an affluent young mother, is charged with converting to Christianity and is sent to prison without her baby. Will the wild beast shake her faith?
Watch as Torchlighter Gladys Aylward’s strength and faith are stretched to the limit in World War II China as she seeks the safety of the 100 orphans in her care.
See how this Torchlighter’s famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepared him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.
Imprisoned for defying the state religion, John Bunyan refused to stop his preaching. Even while separated from his family, he chooses his faith over release from his cold cell.
William Tyndale tops King Henry VIII’s “Most Wanted” list in 1535 and is being pursued across Europe by the king’s bounty hunters — for translating the Bible into English.
Missionary Jim Elliot risks all for the Gospel in Ecuador’s jungles. Facing hostility from the Waodoni tribe, he strives to carry a torch of faith to the unreached.

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Want to own your own copy of the Torchlighters? Simply head on over to the Christian History Institute store to shop our selection of Torchlighter DVDs. From individual DVDs to discounted collections, you’re sure to find something that children will love.

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