William Booth
The founder of the Salvation Army
With Bibles and prayer they battled sin
The pub owners and their hired thugs are ready for William Booth and his ragtag followers when they come marching into London’s East End. With clubs and rocks, the thugs are set to chase this preacher out of town once and for all. But William and his “Salvation Army” are not so easily dissuaded! Armed only with Bibles, musical instruments and their unflinching faith, they march in to face their most dangerous opponents so far. Who will win the spiritual battle for the hurting souls of this forgotten corner of London?


Torchlighter Reviews
What People are Saying
“The Right Choice”
William Booth and his followers armed themselves with Bibles, musical instruments, and faith in God.
James A. Cox
We are [watching] William Booth and the Salvation Army in December, hoping to collect money to take to a “bell-ringer” in our neighborhood after we see his story.
Jerry and Pat J.
“Beautifully Animated”
The beautifully animated movie about the beginning of the Salvation Army shows the power of Christ to radically change peoples’ lives and to set their destinies on heaven!